Sample Checking Service
What is the Sample Checking?
A sample checking service involves inspecting a relatively small number of items from a batch or lot, for a range of specifications such as appearance, workmanship, safety, functions, etc. prior to mass production.

Why do you need Sample Checking?
• Ensuring the quality of sample meets with specified requirements, as well as the reliability and consistency of the manufacturing process and final product.
• In order to spot any defects prior to mass production, so as to reduce the loss.
What we will do for your Sample Checking?
• Quantity check: check the number of finished goods to be manufactured.
• Workmanship Check: check the degree of skill and the quality of materials and finished product based on a design.
• Style, Color & Documentation: check whether the product style and color are consistent with the specifications and other design documents.
• Field Test & Measurement:
Test the procedure and product in actual situation reflecting the intended use.
Survey of the existing condition and the comparison of dimensions with those shown on drawings at the field site.
• Shipping Mark & Packaging: check whether the shipping mark and packages comply with relevant requirements.

Wanner to avoid bulk quality problems during the manufacturing process, let OBD help you!