We streamline your sourcing, quality control, stock, and shipping process from China, and simplify your business transaction and communication with different agents.
DDP and DDU service anywhere in the world through our team. Worldwide capabilities and creative solutions to get your shipment when and where you need it and on time. Let our freight shipping specialists eliminate the worry out of your international shipping.
If you want to sell on Amazon or other e-commerce, we can help you to reduce the bad product comments which will damage your brand. it is highly recommended you use our full Inspection service by OBD professional QC team, to check your product against the Amazon requirements.
We offer all of the warehousing and distribution services you would expect – container unloading, palletizing, real-time order processing, LTL Truck, small parcel shipments, pick & pack, e-commerce order fulfillment, inventory control, kit assembly, and special project work.
As a professional sourcing team who have been working for customers from all over the world to purchase in China for 18 years, we have a lot of deeply trusted manufacturer partners in China, we can help you get competitive prices, follow up your orders, watch the production, ensure quality and deliver products door to door.
What sets us apart from others is building and maintaining client loyalty, remaining dedicated to customer satisfaction, and treating our asset-based partners with utmost respect and professionalism. We have a personalized approach towards what we do and that’s our driving force.